Adaptive Snowboard Sit Down Eastern Level I Written Exam


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The Adaptive Snowboard Sit Down Eastern Level I Written Exam consists of 20 multiple-choice questions. The first ten questions are on skill development, movement patterns, mechanics, PSIA history and organizational structure, the snowsports industry, and safety. Additionally, there will be ten questions on the Adaptive Snowboard Sit Down specific questions. You must score 70% or higher to pass this exam. If you are not successful on your first attempt, you may take the exam a second time.

What is E-Learning?

PSIA-AASI’s E-Learning site is a new resource for learning about all things snowsports education and training related. From becoming an instructor to learning about how to tune your equipment, the courses offered in our Learning Management System (LMS) will enhance your role as a pro.


Professional Ski Instructors of America
American Association of Snowboard Instructors
133 S. Van Gordon Street, Suite 200
Lakewood, CO 80228